1JustCity at the
Pimicikamak Wellness Centre
621 Balmoral St | 204-995-2944
​1JustCity at the Pimicikamak Wellness Centre offers health and wellness programs to meet basic needs and help individuals and families thrive in Winnipeg's West/Central communities.
​Programs include Indigenous Cultural Programming, housing supports, harm reduction supports, shower and laundry, and more.​ We also offer social and recreational programs to build social connection in our community, and provide safety and belonging. We are working hard to build a resilient community of love and support - a place where people are known by name.
​1JustCity is just one part of the Pimicikamak Wellness Centre, and beyond 1JustCity, the building will eventually include off-reserve housing for people from Northern First Nations, a daycare, and a medical clinic.
Josh Ward | Site Lead | 204.779.8957 | pwcsitelead@1justcity.ca
Desiree McIvor | Indigenous Cultural Programmer | pwc.icp@1justcity.ca
Jason Flood | Food Manager | pwcfoodmanager@1justcity.ca